Get all Possible Help for an Offshore Company Formation from a Top Corporate Service Provider

It is the tax structure in your home country, which is definitely eating up the profits and you are certainly concerned. The motive to do business is to earn handsome profits and if that is taking a beating, then it is time you think differently. You are certainly aware of tax havens and are eager to set up an offshore company at any of these locations. However, just setting up a company randomly at any place may backfire and a few issues, which you will need to check.

Gibraltar Offshore Company

It could be a tax-free location, but you certainly need to check on whether the political process is stable or not. Your business plans can backfire, in a politically unstable location. Moreover, it is also important that you are aware that the tax incentives at a location, is not for every business. It is confusing and that is just the reason we suggest that to set up a Gibraltar offshore company, you take help from a top corporate service provider.


Gibraltar has long been on the radar of business houses in search of offshore destinations. The unique thing about the region as a tax haven is that, the local taxation laws are not applicable for foreigners. Hence, you can safely set up your venture here without having to worry about disturbances. You will need to do VAT registration and that is again where a top corporate professional will come in handy.


Being new to the region you are perhaps not aware of the company registrations rules here and things may sound complicated initially. However, with a top corporate service provider ready to guide you at every stage, it should be easy for you to set up the companies house here in Gibraltar. They will even help you to open bank accounts and avail credit. In short they will make sure that your venture in Gibraltar is off to a smooth start.

A few things to Know Before Dealing with Company Registration in the British Virgin Islands

The British Virgin Islands might be a small group of islands in the Caribbean, but it is one of the major offshore jurisdictions in the entire world. According to reports, almost 41% of all offshore companies are incorporated in the British Virgin Islands or BVI, as it is commonly known in the business circles. In the following post, we would be looking at some of the things that you should know while registering a company in the world’s most popular offshore jurisdiction.

You Can Only Register a Company with a Registered Agent

The first thing that you would need to register a BVI Offshore Company is to get in touch with a registered agent. Most offshore company formation consulting companies would have a registered agent. You need to make sure that your company has a registered agent. The registered agent will submit the Memorandum of Association to the Registrar of Companies, appoint the directors and would also look after a lot of things mandatory by law.


You Need to Have a Physical Address for Your Business

You need to have a registered office for your business in the British Virgin Islands. This is mandatory for company registration in BVI. The address cannot be a Post Office Box (PO Box) number but it can be the address of your registered agent. You can change the address anytime but you need to inform the registrar of the change.

The Time Taken to Form a Company

The process of BVI Offshore Company Formation is relatively simple. The registered agent of your business would submit the Memorandum and Articles of Association to the Registrar of Companies. The Registrar would check your application and if the application is deemed right according to relevant acts, then the Registrar would issue you the Certificate of Incorporation and allot a unique number for your company. The entire process can be completed within a day. However, it usually takes about 5 days to incorporate your business. But, if you take the help of the leading company formation consultant in BVI, then they would get your company incorporated within 2 days.

offshore companies

The professional consultants would also help you out in various other ways to make sure that you form your own BVI Company with success. They would also help you deal with other processes like VAT Registration in BVI and the likes. So, take the help of the leading offshore company consultants in the British Virgin Islands and register your own company without any hassles.